"Pick Six" Predictions
In Spring 2006, birders logged their guesses for the next six species to be recorded at Galileo Hill. Below are all of those original lists, as well as others added in subsequent years.
Species listed in bold were recorded following the publication of the initial 2006 Birds of Galileo Hill website. Distributional data involving these lists and details on post-2006 additions to the main list appear at the bottom of this page.
1) Cactus Wren
2) Long-tailed Jaeger
3) Mississipi Kite
4) Arctic Tern
5) Rufous-backed Robin
6) Common Gallinule
1) Whimbrel
2) Black-bellied Plover
3) Franklin’s Gull
4) Common Loon
5) Chimney Swift
6) Zone-tailed Hawk
1) Whimbrel
2) Winter Wren
3) Gray Vireo
4) McCown’s Longspur
5) Prairie Warbler
6) White Wagtail
1) Prairie Warbler
2) Common Gallinule
3) Franklin’s Gull
4) Black-bellied Plover
5) Sabine’s Gull
6) Bendire’s Thrasher
1) Glossy Ibis
2) Black-bellied Plover
3) Whimbrel
4) Broad-billed Hummingbird
5) Common Gallinule
6) Black-billed Cuckoo
1) Horned Grebe
2) Rough-legged Hawk
3) Short-eared Owl
4) Cactus Wren
5) Bendire’s Thrasher
6) Sprague’s Pipit
1) Bohemian Waxwing
2) Cactus Wren
3) Franklin’s Gull
4) Inca Dove
5) Crested Caracara
6) White Ibis
1) Bendire’s Thrasher
2) Crissal Thrasher
3) Red-faced Warbler
4) Streak-backed Oriole
5) LeConte’s Sparrow
6) Bohemian Waxwing
1) Mountain Plover
2) Zone-tailed Hawk
3) Red-faced Warbler
4) Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher
5) Garganey
6) Eurasian Dotterel
1) Mississippi Kite
2) Chimney Swift
3) McCown’s Longspur
4) LeConte’s Sparrow
5) Broad-tailed Hummingbird
6) Alder Flycatcher
1) Bell’s Vireo
2) Common Loon
3) Oak Titmouse
4) Prairie Warbler
5) Common Poorwill
6) Brown-crested Flycatcher
1) Prairie Warbler
2) Rusty Blackbird
3) Chimney Swift
4) Yellow-throated Warbler
5) Red-faced Warbler
6) American Woodcock
1) McCown’s Longspur
2) Prairie Warbler
3) Yellow-throated Warbler
4) Dunlin
5) Rough-legged Hawk
6) Franklin’s Gull
1) Franklin’s Gull
2) Prairie Warbler
3) Rough-legged Hawk
4) Broad-tailed Hummingbird
5) Broad-billed Hummingbird
6) Bohemian Waxwing
1) Franklin's Gull
2) Common Loon
3) Whimbrel
4) Cactus Wren
5) White-headed Woodpecker
6) Prairie Warbler
1) Horned Grebe
2) Black-bellied Plover
3) Black-bellied Whistling Duck
4) Grace's Warbler
5) Bohemian Waxwing
6) Rusty Blackbird
Prairie Warbler, considered by many in 2006 to be the
overdue species, remains unrecorded in the park. Photo courtesy of Bob Steele.
1) Mississippi Kite
2) McCown's Longspur
3) Chimney Swift
4) Rufous-backed Robin
5) Common Poorwill
6) American Woodcock
1) Little Blue Heron
2) Common Gallinule
3) Snowy Plover
4) Franklin’s Gull
5) Broad-tailed Hummingbird
6) Bendire’s Thrasher
1) Prairie Warbler
2) Pine Warbler
3) Cactus Wren
4) Mississippi Kite
5) Yellow-throated Warbler
6) Sedge Wren
1) Prairie Warbler
2) Little Blue Heron
3) Sabine’s Gull
4) Common Poorwill
5) Bendire’s Thrasher
6) Mississippi Kite
1) Franklin’s Gull
2) Common Loon
3) Mississippi Kite
4) Steller’s Jay
5) Greater Scaup
6) White-headed Woodpecker
1) Arctic Tern
2) Prairie Warbler
3) Mississippi Kite
4) Yellow-throated Warbler
5) Rusty Blackbird
6) Little Blue Heron
1) Prairie Warbler
2) Red-faced Warbler
3) Common Loon
4) Common Goldeneye
5) Broad-billed Hummingbird
6) American Woodcock
Distribution – Points
(1st guess = 6 points . . . 6th guess = 1 point)
51 points – Prairie Warbler
34 points – Franklin’s Gull
28 points – Mississippi Kite
22 points – Common Loon
21 points – Cactus Wren
20 points – Whimbrel
18 points – Black-bellied Plover, Thick-billed Longspur
15 points – Chimney Swift, Red-faced Warbler
13 points – Common Gallinule
12 points – Horned Grebe, Little Blue Heron, Bendire’s Thrasher, Yellow-throated Warbler
11 points – Rough-legged Hawk
10 points – Bohemian Waxwing
9 points – Arctic Tern
8 points – Rusty Blackbird
7 points – Common Poorwill, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Broad-billed Hummingbird
6 points – Mountain Plover, Sabine’s Gull, Glossy Ibis, Zone-tailed Hawk, Bell’s Vireo
5 points – Long-tailed Jaeger, Winter Wren, Rufous-backed Robin, Crissal Thrasher, LeConte's Sparrow, Pine Warbler
4 points – Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, Snowy Plover, Short-eared Owl, Gray Vireo, Oak Titmouse
3 points – Common Goldeneye, Inca Dove, Dunlin, American Woodcock, White-headed Woodpecker, Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher, Steller’s Jay, Streak-backed Oriole, Grace’s Warbler
2 points – Garganey, Greater Scaup, Crested Caracara
1 points – Black-billed Cuckoo, Eurasian Dotterel, White Ibis, Brown-crested Flycatcher, Alder Flycatcher, Sedge Wren, White Wagtail, Sprague’s Pipit
Distribution – Lists
(23 total lists)
11 lists – Prairie Warbler
8 lists – Mississippi Kite
7 lists – Franklin’s Gull
5 lists – Common Loon, Cactus Wren, Bendire’s Thrasher
4 lists – Common Poorwill, Chimney Swift, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Broad-billed Hummingbird, Common Gallinule, Black-bellied Plover, Whimbrel, Bohemian Waxwing, Thick-billed Longspur, Yellow-throated Warbler, Red-faced Warbler
3 lists – Little Blue Heron, Rough-legged Hawk, American Woodcock, Rusty Blackbird
2 lists – Horned Grebe, Sabine’s Gull, Arctic Tern, Zone-tailed Hawk, White-headed Woodpecker, Rufous-backed Robin, LeConte’s Sparrow
1 list – Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, Garganey, Greater Scaup, Common Goldeneye, Inca Dove, Black-billed Cuckoo, White Ibis, Glossy Ibis, Snowy Plover, Mountain Plover, Eurasian Dotterel, Dunlin, Long-tailed Jaeger, Short-eared Owl, Crested Caracara, Brown-crested Flycatcher, Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher, Alder Flycatcher, Bell’s Vireo, Gray Vireo, Steller’s Jay, Oak Titmouse, Winter Wren, Sedge Wren, Crissal Thrasher, White Wagtail, Sprague’s Pipit, Streak-backed Oriole, Pine Warbler, Grace’s Warbler
Post-2006 Additions
321) Sabine’s Gull – September 10, 2006 (Liga Auzins & Tom Wurster)
322) Oak Titmouse – September 28, 2006 (Jon Dunn)
323) Arctic Warbler – September 7, 2007 (Susan Steele)
324) Common Poorwill – November 4, 2007 (Liga Auzins & Tom Wurster, specimen)
325) Common Goldeneye – April 26, 2008 (Sandy Koonce)
326) Common Black-Hawk – April 27, 2008 (Susan Steele)
327) Yellow-throated Warbler – May 26, 2008 (Jim Moore)
328) Common Gallinule – June 23, 2008 (Ryan Terrill)
329) Sprague’s Pipit – October 8, 2008 (Jeff Seay)
330) Bell’s Vireo – May 18, 2009 (Andrew Howe)
331) Rusty Blackbird – November 18, 2011 (Susan Steele)
332) Hepatic Tanager – June 3, 2012 (Liga Auzins & Tom Wurster)
333) Surf Scoter – October 10, 2012 (Lee Jones, Ken & Brenda Kyle)
334) Red-faced Warbler – October 7, 2014 (Ken & Brenda Kyle)
335) Buff-breasted Flycatcher – May 15, 2016 (Nick & Mary Freeman)
336) Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jay – July 2016 (pre-2006 records, AOS split)
337) Sagebrush Sparrow – October 1, 2016 (Brian Daniels, AOS split)
338) Zone-tailed Hawk – May 13, 2017 (Tom Wurster)
339) Ring-necked Pheasant – May 19, 2017 (Gail Della)
340) Willet – July 29, 1989 (Mark Chichester, old eBird list)
Copyright 2024
Andrew Howe